Niceville Campus eLetter

Thursday, May 2, 2024
From our Student Minister

What an amazing year we have had! Thank you to everyone who has partnered with us with your time, resources, and prayers to make Student Ministry happen. We get to pour into a generation that is so hungry for the Lord. I love the direction our church is heading and our students are bought into a Disciple-Making movement! They desire deeply to be disciples who are making disciples! We haven’t strayed away from any of the hard topics and have been able to give them a Biblical foundation to stand on! It has been amazing to see the change that has happened in just a year with our students.

This year at our winter retreat called The WKND, we took over 640 people. We split the retreat into two; High School and Middle School. They were both amazing! We had over 20 first-time professions of faith and many more who have gotten baptized since! The Lord was faithful every step of the way. Thank you again for covering us in prayer!

This Summer we have many things happening! Our big event is Mission Northwest! This is our local mission trip where our students go out to meet the community's physical needs through yard work, demo, painting, landscaping, organizing, cleaning, you name it, and we probably do it! We hope that we are able to meet the physical needs of this community so that we get the opportunity to meet the spiritual needs of this community. We will also be welcoming all rising 5th and 6th graders to our ministry with an event called Launch 56! Here the students will get the chance to experience Student ministry while participating in the event going on! Please cover us in prayer during these trips! If you are interested in serving or receiving more information about Mission Northwest or Launch 56, please email me!

Thank you again for all you do to help our students! I encourage you to stop someone and ask what the Lord has been doing this year in them and through them.

Sam Viau, Student Minister

Hannah Hutchinson

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